Café with white bistro tables and chairs. | © BLINK Fotografie
Café with white bistro tables and chairs. | © BLINK Fotografie

The green colleague: These 6 green plants will revitalise your office.

As soon as winter starts to bite and temperatures drop, winter jackets are taken out of the wardrobes and offices are heated. With this, discussions increasingly revolve around the topic of "indoor climate". Many people leave their windows tightly closed in colder weather, but at the same time suffer from overly dry air. Office plants can make a valuable contribution by actively improving the indoor climate.


Depending on the type of plants and how they are watered, they not only help to humidify the air, but also filter pollutants and reduce electrostatic discharge. Larger plants are often cleverly employed as privacy screens and reduce noise. In addition, they "bring life to the place" - in the truest sense of the word - and if properly adapted to the architecture, they beautify the surroundings. We have selected six plants that not only look good, but will also blend perfectly with your office environment:


  1. Adder’s tongue: This elegant plant owes its name to its appearance. Its flower consists of a single white leaf. Although it needs a lot of care, it also tolerates many mistakes. This natural air filter feels most comfortable in a place far away from radiators and direct sunlight.


  2. Spider plant: The "civil servant's plant" is virtually impossible to kill as long as it is not exposed to direct sunlight. In addition to acting as an air purifier, it indicates that the air in a room is too dry when the tips of its leaves turn brown. But don't worry: with a little water it will soon recover.


  3. Dracaena: Like the spider plant, the long-lasting dracaena absorbs formaldehyde from the air. As it comes in different sizes, it is suitable for any office and makes the perfect room divider.


  4. Parlour Palm: The dainty parlour palm starts to bloom when it is still young. Horticultural novices or colleagues not blessed with green fingers can consider themselves fortunate with this plant, which originated in Central America. It is unpretentious and easy to tend.


  5. Busy Lizzie: For those who would like to make their office a little more colourful, we recommend the Busy Lizzie. If looked after well, it blooms "busily" from spring to autumn. Despite their small size, these diverse bursts of colour need a lot of water, but not so much that they swim in it.


  6. Chinese Money Plant or UFO Plant: This small "retro indoor plant" was particularly popular in the 70s and is now experiencing a new "blooming phase ". It is very modest and with its green leaves shaped like a UFO, it is a real eye-catcher. As it is not very large, we recommend using several of these to benefit from their air-purifying effect.
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