Two people having fun with post-its.
Two people having fun with post-its.

Leave the summer lull behind. Or how to head into the autumn full of élan.

Coming back to the office after an extended and well-deserved break almost feels like going back to school after the summer holidays. You look forward to seeing your colleagues again, chat about your holiday and look back on the summer with some nostalgia. In the much-cited summer lull, the clocks usually tick a little slower. So that you don’t drift away from the cheerfulness of summer into autumn blues, we have five simple tips for you to start the autumn with élan.


Walk & Talk Meetings in the Open

We've got used to the long, beautiful sunny days. Clearly, any time spent in the office could pull us down now. But it would be far too much of a shame to spend the last pleasant hours of summer sunshine in the conference room. So why not hold meetings in the fresh air? Experience has shown that outdoor "walk and talk" meetings have the advantage of being very productive.


An Autumn Clean at the Workplace

We all know how motivated we feel when we have a clean and tidy workplace. Plan half a day for yourself and your team to tidy up. You will see that everyone instantly feels more at ease at their workplace.  The Eisenhower principle will help you do this: sort the clutter on your desk into four categories: 1. to be thrown away, 2. to be forwarded, 3. important and 4. for immediate attention.


Autumn Company Outing

A short excursion is a great opportunity for strengthening the team and getting to know colleagues who have just joined the company. Late summer, for example, lends itself particularly well to a hike with a visit to a castle, or for a digital paper chase through the town.


A Summer Party for Welcoming Back

The much-loved summer party before the start of the holidays can easily be rescheduled to the end of the summer. As a "welcome-back-from-your-holiday" celebration or simply in the form of a late summer barbecue, tanned colleagues can meet up again here to share their holiday adventures.


The Master Plan

For some employees, the time after their holiday is slightly chaotic. Many things crop up at once and they don't really know where to begin. Create a well-structured and manageable timeline showing your most important priorities and perhaps use the time to redistribute your tasks. With a clear master plan you can head into the autumn with confidence and élan.

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