Meeting room with a hybrid meeting.
Meeting room with a hybrid meeting.

Meetings on the go: Faster decision-making in stand-up meetings.

Changing posture throughout the working day is ergonomically beneficial, keeping office workers pain-free even on longer days. But these benefits also extend to communication, which is why we are seeing a rise in stand-up meetings. These are not just good for the body in terms of ergonomics, but also increase efficiency. Studies show that teams who meet standing up reach decisions 30% faster than those who sit.

 Why? Because changing position creates momentum, boosts creativity due to the extra oxygen being supplied to the brain, and also fosters a more informal environment that makes collaboration easier. Standing reduces the amount of time spent on off-topic conversations, and participants’ minds stay on task.


Main benefit: health.

Of course, health concerns are a key reason for choosing stand-up meetings. Office workers sit for an average of 9.3 hours per day. Spending such a long time sitting, often with poor posture, inevitably leads to musculoskeletal issues. Changing position frequently between dynamic sitting and standing therefore has a positive impact on workers’ well-being. Standing relieves the strain on the muscles in the back and allows the spine to relax. Being upright enables you to breathe with less constriction, and thereby supply your body with more oxygen. Lower levels of oxygen can cause headaches, difficulty concentrating and fatigue. Standing is therefore an excellent way to counter the afternoon slump.


Flexible desk heights for varied working.

There are a variety of different standing desks designed for meetings. Alongside models with electric height adjustment systems, they generally come in two heights:

  • 110 cm: These higher standing desks can be used both for the actual stand-up meetings and in combination with bar stools, so the user can switch between sitting and standing.
  • 90 cm: For more variety in position, 90 cm desks are a better choice as they can be used in combination with standing seats. Lightweight, portable stools can be brought into any desk-based scenario and used in a variety of different positions.
  • Electric height adjustment: Stand-up meetings can be made particularly flexible with electric height-adjustable conference tables. Before and during the meeting, the user can switch between sitting and standing at the press of a button. The different heights available support our natural need for movement as well as a wide variety of office scenarios.


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