A person sitting on an office desk in front of a notebook.
A person sitting on an office desk in front of a notebook.

Hello again: Starting the New Year with a spring in your step.

After the christmas holidays it can be quite difficult to get back into the rhythm of work. However, if you follow a few points, you can avoid the January blues and return to work relaxed.


Start slowly.

Especially after a longer period of inactivity, your body and mind have to adjust to the new dynamics of working life. Therefore, take things slowly. Talk to colleagues about what you have been up to, and start with a small to-do list.

Plan and organise.

At the beginning of the year, take time to organise the coming weeks carefully. With a proper plan, you can create an overview and tackle your tasks with more motivation.

A change of scene.

Sitting in the same place all day saps your motivation. Look around, maybe your company has seating arrangements, niches or work areas that you can use away from the conventional desk. What's more, even small visual changes like  introducing some plants, can have an inspiring and motivating effect.  Together with a clean and tidy workplace, you can embrace the new year full of vitality.

Define your goals.

 Whether professionally or privately - if you set yourself goals in the new year, you can focus on the future and beat the blues after the holidays. Think about what you want to achieve in the near future and which events you are particularly looking forward to in the coming weeks

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