War Rooms: places for strategy.

Effective Collaborations at the War Room. 

As martial as the term war room might sound, it is intended above all to express one thing: the notion of bringing agility to strategic project groups. Hence the war room is more than just a place for brainstorming; it goes one step further. What matters here is to lay the foundations for projects and to set strategic directions.

IT giants such as Google show how important physical space is for product and design development. Project or scrum teams receive a place of retreat in which they are freed from everyday, classic office settings to work undisturbed on developing ideas, on establishing connections and on paving the way for strategies. Supported by an informal atmosphere, modern multimedia technology and a wide range of visualisation options, the war room contains everything that is required for agile collaboration.

Movement also plays an important role in this context: War rooms encourage free thinking, creativity and a change of perspective through different working and talking situations while sitting down, standing or walking.

The office is becoming a place of meeting, cooperation and communication. Newly emerging collaborative zones offer the ideal environment for meetings and project work. Modern collaboration software tools are opening up additional opportunities for cross-site communication. Find out more in our "Think New Work" brochure.

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