Library: a cosy retreat away from the dynamic office routine.

Modern forms of work are increasingly organised in open space offices. As a result, concentrated work is once again becoming a genuine challenge. Forward-looking offices in­creasingly support this issue by installing dedicated silent rooms and retreat zones

No, it’s not (merely) a matter of books! Although most businesses in the digital age no longer require the classic function of libraries, we still love the vintage charm of the latter. So it comes as no surprise that libraries are also part and parcel of office architecture in New Work concepts. They exude cosiness and calm and lend a feeling of safety and security. They make for an ideal place of retreat – away from the dynamic and sometimes hectic office world. In order to meet the requirements of a retreat for non-commu­nication, some business organisations enforce strict rules for the use of libraries by their staff: Measures range from banning mobile phones to outlawing small talk. Those refusing to see things in quite such dogmatic terms can simply be inspired by the pleasantly soothing atmosphere. Opportunities for creativity al­low for plenty of latitude: both comfortable wing chairs and modern cafeteria furniture are deployed in equal measure. And of course the bookshelves so typical of libraries are an absolute must.

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