Conference Lobby: communication between the poles of efficiency and emotion.

Digitisation is not only transforming businesses, but also the way we work and how we communicate with each other. Digital change is completely shaking up whole sectors of industry; new business models and professional profiles are emerging. Digitisation is breaking with traditional organisational structures – and at the same time with conventional notions of the office. The way conferences and meetings are held has also changed. As a result, the demands on the premises have been adjusted.

Inspired by hotel reception areas, the conference lobby combines the classic meeting room with a pleasant relaxation area. In this regard the lobby is not a closed place of retreat, but openly and directly connected to the conference area. Hence a balance of creativity and emotion is set against the distinctly cool atmosphere of a meeting – comfort combined with cosiness and a lounge atmosphere: with warm colours, soft upholstered furniture and friendly lighting. Here, creative interior design is by no means an end in itself. Instead, it contributes a great deal to the quality and culture of communication. The deliberate breakup of the usual separation between productive meeting space and the emphatically emotional lounge is characteristic of New Work office concepts. The benefit is immediately apparent: It becomes easier to unravel deadlocked meetings, to change perspectives and to lift moods.

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